
3 Months with Dom & A Day in the Life

Dom is 3 months today! It's so fun to see his personality and likes and dislikes developing more and more. He is constantly changing and growing! We made a big change in the last week and instead of keeping Dom in the rock n'play in our bedroom, we started putting him in his crib in his room to sleep. He has done great and I am SO thankful that transition is over! I also transitioned him from the swaddle to the Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit because he was breaking out of the swaddle and I wanted something that would help him feel cozy in the crib. He sleeps the same amount in the sleepsuit as he does in the swaddle so it hasn't exactly been "magic" in getting him to sleep hours longer, but it did allow him transition with no problem to the crib and so, for that reason, it has been amazing!

Currently, Dom loves:

  • Bathtime (although for the past week he has starting fearing the water being too warm on his feet so he always gets a scared look on his face and sometimes whimpers right before going in the water even though the water is barely lukewarm!)
  • Smiling and giggling
  • When I come get him from his crib in the morning. He always gives me the biggest smile!
  • When you mimic the noises he is making
  • Looking at himself in the mirror
  • Being walked around, especially at night when he's fussier...he won't let you sit down!
  • Being sung to or talked to in silly voices

Currently Dom doesn't love:

  • Pikachu...haha! Alex likes to talk to him in fake japanese and so one night he got the idea to play him a pikachu video and Dom instantly started crying. Since then, he's tested it out and it always makes him cry!
  • Tummy time....he gets super fed up with it after a few minutes. But he's doing great at lifting his head up and I use a mirror to try and entertain him and get him to stay on his tummy longer.
  • Being put down for naps....the boy definitely fights sleep and wants to just play all day long.
  • Being in his car seat when he's not moving. Thankfully he sleeps great in the car but he does NOT like to be in the car seat unless he's in the car or in the stroller being moved around. 

Firsts this month:

  • Getting his first round of shots :(
  • Lifting his head completely off the floor during tummy time
  • Breaking out of the swaddle
  • Laughing 
  • First cold...thankfully it was not a bad one at all, he just had a slight runny nose and a little congestion
  • First long trip in the car. We drove 3 hours back and forth to SC for Christmas and he did great!
  • First time taking more than one feeding from a bottle and being away from me for more than a few hours. I shot my first wedding on the 23rd and was gone for 15 hours and Dom did great! He doesn't love drinking from a bottle and is still figuring out the quicker flow, but the important thing is that he is taking the bottle! Hopefully, he'll continue to get better at it. I'm also very thankful Alex is amazing with Dom and that makes it much easier to leave him for long days!
  • His first Christmas and New Years

I also thought it would be fun to share a current "day in the life" because I love reading these! Granted, we certainly don't have a strict schedule right now, I plan to start working on that this month. We currently have a loose routine and follow the eat, play, sleep routine. I hope implement some of the babywise methods and to have more of a set in stone schedule by the time he is four months.

Between 8-8:30- Dom wakes up and eats

8:30-9:30- Dom goes in his MamaRoo while I pump, eat breakfast, drink my coffee. And then he goes on his play mat for some tummy time. All this happens with the Today show and then Kelly & Ryan in the background, obviously.

9:30-10:15- Dom naps and I shower...for some reason, his first nap of the day is always only 45 minutes!

10:15-10:45- If I need to do my hair or put on makeup, I finish getting ready and put Dom in the boppy lounger on our bed and turn the fan on. Endless entertainment :)

11- Feed and then if we need to go out anywhere, this is usually when I do it and he'll nap in his car seat or baby carrier. 

11:30-1 Nap (If I'm not running errands, I'm usually cleaning the house, doing laundry, etc. during this time)

1 or 1:30- Feed again and then have some play time, go on a walk, etc.

2:30-3:30- Nap (I usually respond to emails, edit pictures, and blog during this time)

3:30- Feed and play, read books, etc.

4:30-5:30- Nap (I usually make dinner during this time)

5:30- Feed and play (this is usually his fussiest time of the day so we typically put Dom in his bouncer beside us for dinner and then either me or Alex holds him most of the time)

6:45- Bathtime! (this is Dom's favorite time, he LOVES the bath and it always calms him down when he's fussy)

7:15- Feed and bedtime by around 7:45 or 8

Nighttime wakings- It still varies a little when Dom wakes up a night but he *usually* wakes up 2-3 times and goes right back to sleep. The longest stretch he's done so far is 6 hours and he'll often wake up at 2am, 5am, and then up for the day at 8am. But sometimes he still wakes up at 12 or 1, then 3, then 6, and then up for the day at 8am. I'm hoping he'll drop a feeding soon now that he's getting bigger and go down to waking 1-2 times a night rather than 2-3. :) 

More pictures from our iPhones (click on images to see bigger pictures):

2 Months with Dom

I can hardly believe we've already had 2 months with Dom!!! It's cliche but it really is true that "the days are long but the years are short." Except with a newborn the days aren't even long, it's more like one quick chunk of time where each 24 hour day runs into the other and is broken up into 3 hour segments of feeding, sleeping (or more like...trying to get the baby to sleep!), and changing lot of diapers! Each day has truly flown by and even though we've had some good days and some more tiring ones, they've truly all been a blessing because Dom brings so much joy into our lives!

Weeks 3-6 had some tough moments with him. He would cry and scream inconsolably for several hours a day a few times a week. He would arch his back, clench his fists, and turn really red. It was so sad! When he turned 6 weeks I finally took him to the pediatrician. I assumed he just had colic and that there was nothing I could do about it. But after talking with several people I realized he actually may have Acid Reflux and that there might be some medicine that could help him. I told the doctor what was going on and got him a prescription for reflux medicine and I'm telling you, as soon as he started taking it he was a totally different baby. I was SO thankful! We haven't had a bout of inconsolable crying since he started the medicine! He also started to sleep much better at night and didn't have to be held 24/7. I think he was wanting to be held constantly before because he was usually in pain, poor baby.

At two months, Dom is:

10lbs (he basically doubled his birth weight!!) and 22"

Dom loves:

  • Smiling! At around 6 weeks he started smiling in response to us and he has been smiling ever since! He smiles back at me and Alex multiple times a day and it makes me so happy!
  • Baths. This boy loves baths! When he starts to get a little fussy in the evening, as soon as I turn the bath water on he calms right down!
  • Being held. Dom is a serious cuddler! It's been a struggle to get him to not have to be held for naps but we're slowly getting there! Every time I burp him, he always scoots down on my shoulder so he can get his head closer to mine. It melts my heart! 
  • Eating. Seriously, he's gained over an ounce a day and I feel like he pretty much eats 24/7. :)
  • The Solly Baby Wrap. Seriously, it's been a LIFESAVER. On days when he just wants to be held, I put him in the wrap and he sleeps great. I also put him in the wrap pretty much any time I go anywhere!
  • The Rock n'play. While his sleeping preference is definitely to be held, he does well in the Rock n'play at night especially! I'd love for him to be sleeping in his crib but for now, the rock n'play has been a life saver since it's elevated and that helps him with his reflux. I'll probably try to start the transition to the crib this month.
  • His daddy! Dom loves sitting with Alex and coos and smiles at all the silly faces and noises Alex makes.
  • The MamaRoo. He doesn't typically fall asleep in the MamaRoo but he LOVES swinging on the fastest setting and staring at the mobile. He started noticing mobiles at about 6 weeks and it's SO fun to watch him smiling and kick his legs while he's swinging!

Dom doesn't love:

  • Getting his clothes changed!
  • His paci. He liked the paci for several weeks but then he just became pretty uninterested in it. I think he's going to suck his thumb as soon as he can find his hands!
  • Getting OUT of the bath. He HATES getting out of the bath and feeling the cold. I've learned some tricks to try and keep him warmer and happier (thank you space heater) but he still hates getting out of the bath.

I regret not doing a better job documenting all of our visitors over the past 2 months but here's some of my favorite memories captured on my camera & on iPhones:

iPhone Pictures (some taken by me and some by the image to view it larger):

Dominic's Newborn Session by Lauren Jolly Photography

I am THRILLED to be sharing Dom's newborn by my good friend Lauren Jolly Photography with you today! Lauren and I met through a local photography group when Alex and I moved to Winston about a year ago and she quickly became a wonderful friend! Lauren and her husband Vaughan and their sweet son Finn attend Emmanuel now and it has been such a joy to get to know Lauren and her family. Lauren is a very talented newborn/birth film photographer and I was overjoyed to have her capture such a special time in our lives! Here are some of my favorites:

Dominic's Nursery Reveal

I had SO much fun putting Dom's nursery together! Seriously, it is probably the most put together room in our house right now. :) I created this board on Pinterest as I brainstormed ideas. My goal was a gender-neutral nursery and so I went with a gray color scheme with pops of blue and turquoise. I really wanted a gender neutral nursery that I can use again, Lord willing, when we have more children.

My goal was to get this photographed before Dom arrived but he came a little earlier than expected so I just got the chance to take pictures. :) I ended up taking them while wearing Dom on me in the Solly Baby Wrap because he currently insists on being held 24/7. #newbornlife :) Scroll through the whole post to see pictures and you'll find sources for everything at the end!

Bible Verse Signs: Joyfully Said Signs; Animal Wall Prints: Homegoods; White Dresser & Blue Nightstand: Vintage; Crib: Given to us and painted with Annie Sloan's Chalk Paint; Mobile: Target; Pillows: Homegoods & IKEA; Stuffed Animal in Crib: Pottery Barn Kids; Crib Sheet: Target; Rug: Rugs USA; Pouf & fur rug: Homegoods; Glider: Craigslist (originally purchased from Wayfair); Shelf: IKEA; Letterboard: Amazon; Shoes: Target; Changing Pad Cover: Target; Storage Bin: Target; Curtain rods: Target; Curtains: Target; Sheep book ends: Amazon; Bookshelves: IKEA

Dominic Fisher DiPrima's Birth Story

Dominic's birth story: 

It's hard to believe I'm already sharing Dom's birth story! He wasn't due until October 27th so I fully expected to still be pregnant with him at this point (my mom was two weeks late with me and I just assumed my baby would come late too!). I love reading birth stories and so I wanted to share Dom's story for those of you who are interested!

Towards the end of my pregnancy, Dom was measuring small and, more specifically, his abdomen was in the third percentile. The abdomen being so small in comparison to the rest of his body can be a sign that the baby is no longer getting all the nutrients he needs from the placenta. My doctor thought he was likely just a small baby because I'm so small, but he felt like it would be safest to induce me early at 38 weeks in case there was any problem with the placenta. I was pretty disappointed because I really wanted to go into labor naturally and I've heard a lot of stories about how being induced early can be a very long process because your body isn't ready for labor yet and it can be a lot more painful because you're given picotin which causes sudden and strong contractions to hit you instead of the natural build up of contractions you get in normal labor. Even my doctor told me to be prepared that it would likely be at least a 24 hour process. I was also disappointed because I knew I'd be confined to the hospital bed since they would have to monitor me continuously instead of walking around, getting on the exercise ball, etc. like I had planned to do to work through contractions. But I knew that God was in control and ultimately, I wanted whatever the doctors thought would be best for Dominic!

One of the nice things about being induced was that we had a week's notice! Granted, I had NOT expected Dom to come 2 weeks early so the week before I was going to be induced was definitely a major crunch time to try and finish things out with my job and get everything prepared for him to arrive. The night before I was going to be induced, Alex and I went out to dinner and had Pad Thai (which seemed like a fitting meal to have before the birth of our son since we also had Thai food on our first date together!). I woke up on Monday morning, 10/16, nervous and SUPER excited to meet our baby boy! Alex made me a hearty breakfast of pumpkin waffles and bacon and we finished packing our things to head to the hospital. After we got to the hospital we waited around for a few hours and finally around 1:30pm that day they gave me a drug called cytotec to begin the inducement. Because I was only 1cm dilated they couldn't start picotin until I dilated further. The doctor told me they'd give me doses of cytotec every 4 hours and that it could be 12 hours before I started having any contractions. My friend Andrea and my sister-in-law Sam and Erin all planned to be at the delivery with Alex and so I told all of them that they should hold off coming and likely nothing would be happening until late Monday night or Tuesday.

Sam decided to just be there from the beginning so after I got the cytotec Alex, Sam, and I played a few rounds of Skip Bo to keep my mind off the waiting! I started getting contractions within an hour or two of getting the drug but I figured they were probably not anything to get excited about and that I'd be experiencing those for a long time before I dilated much. By the time 5:30pm rolled around and it was time to get my second dose, the contractions had picked up a lot and they were still bearable but they were feeling a lot more intense then I was expecting for that early on. I asked the doctor to check me and I was SO nervous he was going to say I had barely progressed at all. To my shock, he said that I was already at a 3.5 or 4!!!! My plan was to make it at least to 3 or 4 before getting the epidural because I knew once they gave me Pictotin the contractions would get really intense. Well to my surprise again, the doctor said the cytotec basically induced me into "natural" labor and I wouldn't even need the Picotin. I guess Dom was ready to come out and meet us and he just needed a little boost! I was still managing the contractions but I decided to go ahead and order the epidural since I knew it would take some time to get to me. Boy am I glad I did because in the 30 minutes before the anesthesiologist got to my room, my contractions got much worse and it was so hard not being able to move around at all! Those were the most intense 30 minutes of labor when I experienced the most pain. 

I was SO happy when the anesthesiologist got there and the epidural was no big deal! It took less than 10 minutes and I only felt a small amount of pressure. After getting the epidural, I felt amazing! I couldn't believe that it took the pain away and yet I still had some feeling in my feet and could feel pressure. After a few minutes, I started feeling a lot of pain again on my left side. I thought "Oh no, it didn't take on my left side and I'm going to feel everything!" The anesthesiologist told me to tell them if I started feeling pain so we called them back in and they added another dose of medicine to my epidural and then I felt great! The doctor checked me again and Alex said (half jokingly because I'd only been in labor about 5 hours), "Alright doctor, tell us she's at a 6!" My doctor turned around and said, "How does a 7 sound?! an 8!" I could NOT believe it. Shortly after that, I thought I started feeling some pressure and the urge to push. We called the nurse in and had her check me again and she said I was at a 10!!!! She said the doctor had actually left the hospital for 15 minutes to grab dinner so she said I'd have to hold it or they'd find someone else to deliver me. Um...what?! I think they were just all shocked HOW quickly Dom was ready to come out. So I literally laid there for 20 minutes trying not to push. I kept telling my friend Andrea that I was afraid he was just going to come out (I kept thinking of all those stories you hear of women delivering in cars, etc.). Once the doctor got there I started pushing. That was an incredible experience knowing that with each push, I was getting one step closer to meeting my baby! I pushed with each contraction for about 15 minutes and then Dom's head came out and the rest of his body quickly followed! He arrived at 8:45pm on 10/16/17! I wish I could say my first thought was happy but my immediate first thought was, "he's so small and he ok?!?!" They had to take right away (not out of the room just over to the side) to check him because he was so small. Thankfully he was fine and they gave him right back to me. I started crying and couldn't believe this beautiful baby boy was mine!!!

I got to hold him for about an hour and then they weighed him and told me he was 5lbs 2oz and 19" long. That was also a surprise because I was expecting him to be at least 5.5 or 6lbs because at my last ultrasound they had told me he was 5.5lbs. Labor honestly was an amazing experience and one I'll cherish forever! I know God definitely blessed me with an easy labor and I am so thankful! I'm still in awe of how God's intricate design for bringing life into the world and that I carried this beautiful baby inside of me for 9 months!

Dominic's Name Meaning:

We decided to name our son Dominic Fisher DiPrima. We like Dominic because of how Italian it is and that it goes well with DiPrima. We also like the nicknames you get from it like "Dom" and "Nico." "Dominic" also has a great meaning, it is a Latin name that means "Belonging to God." Dom's middle name is "Fisher" after Alex's mentor and long-time pastor, Pastor Fisher. Pastor Fisher married Alex's parents, he married us, he's been Alex's pastor most of his life, and he has poured his life into Alex's and been a huge part of the man and pastor Alex is today. We couldn't think of a better namesake than Pastor Fisher and I pray that Dom grows up to become a godly man like him.

Thankfully Sam took some pictures of the birth on my camera and she did an AMAZING job! I think she may have a future in birth photography! Here's a few of my favorites ( and stay tuned for more posts soon on Dom's nursery and his newborn pictures):